Ways & Markers

par Esteban Germann | 12/03/2023 | , | Studio Clément

We are at the south of the Parc Rigot in Geneva, at an unexploited part of the park that is
devoid of any paths despite its obvious potential with the lines of desire on site.
I based myself on the park as a territory of the path, of the walk marked out by places, statues,
specific trees, fountains and others, which I call Monuments, as supports to the expression of
the site and a suggestion for a redefinition of the path ways of the park.
I have implemented my pisé as a landmark located at a strategic angle that connects the top of
the park to the bottom. The Pisé is the marker for a future path intented to the users. A way to bypass the various plots of land surrounded by fences.
The pisé allowed me to approach the surface not just as a grass surface, but as a place that
reveals its users, where each element has a place and a well-defined marker, in time, in space
and in perception, to interpret the thickness of the situation.
With this project I also propose to question the implementation of the pisé in the ground,
which remains a question to be raised.

Plan 1:1000
Plan 1:5
Mindmap : The fourth Dimension
Section 1:5
Worm eye view axonometric 1:10