Living Edge

par Clementine Rigo, Diego Gimenez | 15/04/2023 | , | Studio Frascoli

Our project is located on the edge (represented by the line of the upcoming construction site) and aims to reactivate the site. During the construction, we imagined an exhibition space creating a more attractive separation that would already activate the place. Later, it will be transformed into a market on the same foundation and adding others on the other side of the edge. This intervention will aim to revive the park by attracting visitors and residents to gather there. This made a lot of sense to us as Rigot Park has long been neglected from the usual primary function of a park, welcoming people.


The stands altogether form a market along the edge, which makes it a path and a place at the same time.
Each stand has a display surface of 1m wide (standard size for this type of installation) and has the particularity of not having a flat surface but different slats spaced. For the first two, 20cm to be able to support crates of 30cm and 40cm and for the last one 30cm which allows to support crates of 50 and 60cm long. A removable board is placed between the last two slats to be able to support a cash register or other effects of the seller.
On the sides there are two other inclined (20°) extensions that can accommodate crates from 40 to 60cm in the center.
This reduces the distance between the stands by 90cm per side but leaves a passage of 140cm. The paths between the two rows of stands is 3m allowing a strong influx and a more open feel.
All these stands are at a height of 80cm, allowing the buyer to have a sufficient view of the product.
Finally, the stands are in the direction of the new small square, so the alley it will create becomes an alternative path from there